
Robert Wingfield
Real Intelligence
The universe has gone mad - money, laws, personal pronouns and parking restrictions all cancelled.
Barry Saint-Albans, the second greatest detective in all the universes, has been tasked with solving a murder.
All relatively easy if you have a time machine, but not such a good idea if this belongs to someone else, especially if it’s holding up the roof of her hut.
The murder was all a setup. Now as the main suspect, Barry already knows too much (he does have a massive database).
Help could come from an android he created, but he mislaid her data store in a carrier bag somewhere, and she is not best pleased.
And then there is the psychotic Kara-Tay, who is being held hostage by the brain of a former lover. He wants his body back and has set his missing heart on stealing Barry’s.
2034 Scared New World
It’s over a decade now since the first of the Coronavirus pandemics rocked the world. Life has changed beyond recognition. Most countries have closed their borders. Fortress Britain is secured by the Border Protection Agency, armed with deadly weapons, and orders to shoot to kill.
The Fifth Correction
There is a theory that death is not the end, but simply a shift into an alternative universe. True, it keeps happening to Tom Two-Dan $mith (sic). Usually, one forgets everything and can relax into a new life of tax and torment. Tom is not so lucky; he remembers... every time.
Countdown to Omega
On a paradise planet, the far side of the sun, Anthea, cast out of an isolated colony of refugees, shelters from a firestorm of meteorites. The Gods are returning, the vanguard of a race who were abandoned by her own elders millennia ago.